Friday 18 January 2013

One on One

 When you get one on one with a new potential client, or a new potential employer, how do you sell yourself?

Personally my experience is….. You don’t!

Selling more often than not will backfire on you (unless your really good at it). So what do you do instead?

My approach is to educate (not lecture, not condescend), and learn (in other words listen).

Educate: For a client, listen to what they want. Try to understand all their requirements and wishes. Then educate them on things like process (how the design process works), how a website works, or various technological aspects of it. Educate them about choices they may not have thought about. There’s always something that you can find that they will appreciate.

All these things can be true of an employer as well. Research them first, listen to what they say, ask them intelligent questions and understand their answers. Then don’t just respond but educate them in your replies. Don’t just describe something actually walk them through it.

Learn:  This starts with researching the client or employer before you meet. Preparing yourself by studying any material/info they may already have given you.

When you finally meet don’t assume you know, listen and learn, then when you speak stay on task and address the concerns that have been expressed. The more you do this, the more they will perceive you as being on their side, and that you have something to offer, as opposed to something to sell.

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